Monday, August 15, 2011

Boat Comes in Ten Minutes

SS City of Erie

Postmarked 15 August 1938
Cleveland, Ohio

This ship is one of the Great Lakes Steamships and alternating with the S.S. "City of Buffalo" makes regular overnight passenger trips between Cleveland and Buffalo-Niagara Falls.
Boat comes in 10 min. I'm petrified. 2 nice girls have stateroom next to ours. Wonderful time so far. I'm --- / Jean
The S.S. "City of Erie" was built in 1828 and made its maiden voyage later that year. In 1938, it was taken out of service and then the boat was scrapped in 1941.


Postcard Roundup said...

"I'm petrified"? What's that about?

Brian PaperSponge said...

Handsome ship for sure! I couldn't figure out that last word.

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