Monday, February 28, 2011

You Will Be Wondering Why I Am in this Place

State Street - Albany NY

Postmarked 28 February 1911
Albany, New York

Dear Farida You will be wondering why I am in this place. My Sister Jennie's Husband was killed last week I have been with her since. She is going home with me the last of the week for a visit. He was killed on his engine on the -- R.R. Margaret Lan--


Mark S. said...

Holy cow, that message packs a wallop, doesn't it? Most postcard messages are just small-talk, so finding one like this is really striking.

Christine H. said...

It looks like he was killed on his engine on the New York Central Railroad. I wonder what happened. How sad.
The name Farida Ibrahim is very beautiful - and exotic for Cobleskill, NY.

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