Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Want What I Want

I Want What I Want

Postmarked 23 January 1912
Crothersville, IN

Hello, J.G. - Why don't you write I am waiting for an ans. to my letter. -Elizabeth
On first glance, this is a nice postcard. A photograph of a lovely young couple framed by an intricate floral border. But then, the caption: "I Want What I Want When I Want It." The caption indicates that the couple may not be so loving, and the woman not so willing, suggesting if not rape, an unwanted persistence.

Funny to see that the message, then, is written by a persistent girl or woman asking J.G. to please give her an answer. But what was the question?


Christine H. said...

How odd. I suppose it could also be the girl wanting something, but whatever the case, it creates an uncomfortable tension, at least to modern eyes.

Aimee said...

How intriguing. I wonder who wants what! I know she wants an answer to something! said...

Definitely seems very racy for the times. As a matter of fact, would be racy for today's times.

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