Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sometime I'll Really Write

Milwaukee Post Office

Postmarked 16 August 1940
?, Wisconsin

Main Post Office Bldg, on E. Wisconsin Ave., total floor space 323,128 sq. ft, houses 38 departments, among which are the Federal Court, the U.S. Weather Bureau, Internal Revenue Department, the U.S. Engineers, and nearly one thousand employees. Solomon Juneau was the first Postmaster of Milwaukee, 1835 - 1847.
Dear Elma and all / Have been here for 3 weeks now. Henry is expected to-morrow night. / Hope you are all well. so pleased to have Harlan's picture. / Sometime I'll really write but the way I've been it has been better not to. You know how it is! I do hope you're feeling better. / Somehow the time just flies here. Am interested to know Harlan's plans. / Do just drop me a card - / Love "K"
GSA Entry

1 comment:

Christine H. said...

Oh, those amazing old post offices. It makes me sad. Now, so many post offices are being closed. Back in the 50s there was twice daily delivery. Soon we may be lucky to have delivery three times a week.

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